Youth Empowerment Services (YES) is a 501(c)3 non-profit agency whose mission is to develop a broad base of opportunities for Philadelphia’s youth. Through YESPhilly Accelerated High School, we provide opportunity youth a place to finish high school coursework, develop goals, and begin college or careers. Our programs attract creative youth who are excited about an accelerated educational experience.
Prom 2024
Check out the stunning moments from Prom 2024 at the Discovery Center! Click the link for more photos of this unforgettable evening filled with joy and elegance.
Graduation Feb ‘24 & June ‘24
Celebrate the achievements of our graduates from February and June 2024! Click the link to see more photos capturing these proud and joyous moments.
Student Projects
Discover the creativity and dedication of our students through projects like our Green Space. Click the link to explore more photos highlighting their incredible efforts and achievements!
Stay on top of term schedule, school closures, and happenings at YESPhilly.